Terms and conditions

All the terms and conditions mentioned below applies between you (which will be referred to as User), this Website (including subdomains, unless otherwise explicitly excluded), and the Company. Please refer to these terms and conditions and read it carefully, which have a direct impact on your legal rights. By using this Website, you are agreeing and bound to these terms and conditions. Otherwise, please leave the Website at once.

As such, the User will be any third party that uses the Website. Anyone employed by the Company, or acts as a consultant, or providing services to the Company will not be bound by these terms and conditions.

The User must be at least 18 years of age to use this Website. By accessing the Website, you agree to these terms and conditions in its fullness and that you are at least 18 years old.

Acceptable use of intellectual property

All content in the Website is all considered property of the Company. All information uploaded by the User will not be included in this. Any content by means of text, images, audio, video, graphics, layout, underlying code, and other forms of information that can be digitally stored that appears in this Website will be covered by the terms and conditions.

By using the Website, you acknowledge that the content found here is protected by copyright, trademarks, database rights, and other intellectual property rights. Without written permission from the Company, no content from this Website shall be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark, service mark, or logo.

For personal and non-commercial use, the User may do retrieve, display, and view the content on a computer screen. However, reproducing, modifying, copying, distributing, and using for commercial purposes the content in this Website without written permission.

Prohibited use

This Website may not be used:

  • in causing damage to the Website or hinders other Users from using the Website;
  • in a way that is abusive, harassing, threatening, harmful, illegal, unlawful, or other objectionable or in breach of any applicable law, regulation, and governmental order, and
  • creating, transmitting, or storing digital copies of the Website content that is under existing copyright without permission from the Company.

Outbound links

The Website may include links redirecting to other Website which are not under the control of the Company, unless otherwise stated. Responsibility for the content of these websites does not fall to the Company and disclaims liability for any and all forms of damages and losses that result in using them. Inclusion of a link redirecting to other websites must not be regarded as endorsements of the websites themselves or those handling them.

Availability of the Website and disclaimers

All kinds of online facilities, services, information, and tools that the Company Ltd makes available in the Website is provided “as in” and on an “as available” basis. The Company does not provide any warranty that their services will be free of defects and/or faults. We provide no warranties of fitness for a certain purpose, compatibility and satisfactory quality, and accuracy of information based on the maximum extent permitted by law. Updating information in the Website is by no means under the obligation of the Company.

The Website does not give guarantee nor warranty when it comes to its security, and that it is free of errors, viruses, and other malware at all times. Nevertheless, the Website uses all the reasonable endeavours to ensure that these things will not happen. Users are expected to take responsibility for their own security, especially their personal details and their computers.

The Company is not liable for any disruptions and unavailability of the Website.

The Company reserves the right to alter, discontinue, or take down any part, or even the entire Website. This includes, but not limited to, any service or product available. Terms and conditions shall be applied to any modified Website version unless explicitly stated otherwise.

Limitation of liability

Nothing in these terms and conditions will:

  • limit or exclude our or your liability for persona injury or death because of our as negligence, as applicable;
  • limit or exclude our or your liabilities in all forms that are not allowed under applicable law.

We will not be liable to you when it comes to losses caused by events that are out of our reasonable control.

The Company accepts no liability for the following, to the following extended allowed by law:

  • any loss or corruption of data, database, or software;
  • any losses to business, including loss of income, anticipated savings, profits, contracts, commercial opportunities, income, goodwill, or revenue;
  • any indirect, special, or consequential damages or losses.


  • The User is not allowed to transfer any rights under these terms and conditions to other Users. The Company may transfer their rights under these terms and conditions where they are reasonable and as long as the User’s rights will not be impacted.
  • These terms and conditions may be updated from time to time, even without prior notice. Revised versions will be applied to the entire Website once published. As such, the User is expected to check the terms and conditions at all times to be familiar with the updated information.
  • The terms and conditions, as well as the Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy, contain the entire agreement between the parties relating to its subject. This supersedes all prior discussions, agreements, and arrangements that may have come before these terms and conditions are put into place.
  • The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to these terms and conditions.
  • Any court or competent authority that may find that any part of these terms and conditions that is invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, that particular part will be considered for removal to the extent required, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of these terms and conditions will not be affected.
  • No delay, omission, or act by a party in exercising any right or remedy will be deemed a waiver of that, or any other, right or remedy unless otherwise agreed.
  • This terms and conditions shall be open to interpretation and duly governed according to the United Kingdom. All disputes caused by this shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of official courts, including non-contractual claims or disputes.